Tony Stark, the fictional character in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, is known for his extravagant and high-tech cars. As the genius billionaire and inventor, Stark's taste in automobiles reflects his wealth and love for cutting-edge technology. Some of the notable cars associated with Tony Stark in the MCU include:

  1. Audi R8: Tony Stark drives an Audi R8 in the first "Iron Man" film (2008). The car is prominently featured in the movie and represents Stark's luxurious lifestyle.

  2. Audi E-Tron GT: Stark is seen driving the Audi E-Tron GT in the film "Avengers: Endgame" (2019). It's a concept electric vehicle that aligns with Stark's interest in clean energy and advanced technology.

  3. Acura NSX Roadster: In "The Avengers" (2012), Stark briefly drives an Acura NSX Roadster. This car's sleek design and performance characteristics are in line with Stark's preferences.

  4. 1967 Shelby Cobra: Tony Stark owns a classic 1967 Shelby Cobra in "Iron Man 2" (2010). He takes it for a spin during a memorable scene at the Monaco Grand Prix.

  5. Audi Q7: Stark's choice of a family vehicle, seen in "Avengers: Age of Ultron" (2015), is the Audi Q7. It's a more practical and spacious car compared to his sports cars.

These cars are not only a reflection of Tony Stark's wealth but also symbolize his affinity for advanced engineering and technology. 

We have many custom made Diecast Models available including the Ford Roadster, Audi R8 and NSX all with the proper license plates on each one.