The National Lampoon's film series, known for its comedy and absurdity, features various cars and vehicles in its various installments. Here are some of the most notable cars from the National Lampoon's movies:
Family Truckster from "National Lampoon's Vacation" (1983): In the original "Vacation" film, the Griswold family embarks on a disastrous road trip to the fictional amusement park, Walley World, in a hideous green station wagon known as the Family Truckster. This car, designed to be excessively ugly, became an iconic symbol of the film.
Moose Out Front Should've Told You Truck from "National Lampoon's Vacation" (1983): In the same film, the Griswolds encounter a truck with a dead moose strapped to the front. This truck is memorable for its dark humor.
The Lamborghini from "National Lampoon's Vacation" (1983): When the Griswolds reach the hotel on their trip, they meet Christie Brinkley's character who drives a flashy red Lamborghini. It becomes an object of lust for Clark Griswold.
Wagon Queen Family Truckster from "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation" (1989): In the Christmas-themed sequel, the Griswolds drive a similar-looking vehicle called the Wagon Queen Family Truckster.
Ferrari 308 GTS from "National Lampoon's Vacation" (1983): The film also features a scene where Clark Griswold daydreams about driving a beautiful woman in a red Ferrari 308 GTS.
These cars and vehicles often play a humorous and memorable role in the films, contributing to the comedic tone of the National Lampoon's movies. The series is known for its irreverent and exaggerated sense of humor, and the cars are a part of that overall comedic experience.
We have many of your favorites available here including the Family Truckster in 1/18 scale by Greenlight along with a few of our custom made models like the red Ferrari with custom plate LUV ME on the back!