Collection: SPEED RACER
"Speed Racer" is a classic Japanese animated series. The show follows the adventures of a young and talented race car driver named Speed Racer and his iconic car, the Mach 5. The Mach 5 is a technologically advanced and sleek racing car designed and built by Speed Racer's father, Pops Racer. It features a distinctive white body with a red "M" on the hood and is equipped with various gadgets and special features. These features include a homing robot, powerful engines, retractable sawblades, jumping capabilities, and more. The Mach 5 is Speed's trusted and iconic vehicle.
We have a nice collection of Diecast vehicles available to display your own Mach 5! Our friends at American Muscle made a beautiful 1/18 version and we have them available in 1/18 scale from time to time. Always available is the Johnny Lightning version in a smaller scale.