In the 1970s television series "Starsky & Hutch," the main characters, Detectives David Starsky and Kenneth "Hutch" Hutchinson, drive a distinctive and iconic car known as the "Striped Tomato."

The Striped Tomato is a 1974 Ford Torino, a mid-sized American car of that era. The Ford Torino used in the series was painted bright red with a white racing stripe running along the sides of the car. This striking appearance made it instantly recognizable and earned it the nickname "Striped Tomato."

The Striped Tomato became an iconic symbol of the series and is often associated with the show itself. It was prominently featured in the show's opening credits and became a beloved element of the series.

The car was used in various action sequences and car chases throughout the series, contributing to the show's reputation for high-energy and thrilling moments.

"Starsky & Hutch" was a popular and influential crime drama series that aired from 1975 to 1979. The Striped Tomato, with its unique look and role as the detectives' trusty vehicle, remains an enduring symbol of the show's 1970s style and action-packed storytelling.

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