Collection: THE JETSONS

In the animated television series "The Jetsons," which originally aired from 1962 to 1963, the Jetson family lived in a futuristic world set in the year 2062. They had a distinctive flying car known as the "Aerospace car" or "Flying car."

The Jetsons' flying car was a central element of the show's futuristic setting and technology. It allowed the family members to travel through the sky and between the various platforms and buildings of their city. The car was often seen taking the family to work, school, or various adventures.

"The Jetsons" is known for its imaginative portrayal of a utopian future, and the flying car was one of the most iconic and recognizable elements of that future world. It remains a symbol of the show and its vision of what transportation might look like in the distant future.

We have a cute model just for you Jetson fans! Don't wait they fly off fast!